• Graduate of Harvard College, magna cum laude (bachelor’s degree in English and psychology)

  • Graduate of Columbia Journalism School
    (master’s degree in documentary filmmaking)

  • 4+ years training students for everything from the SATs to AP exams to unit tests

  • Perfect score (2400) on the March 2013 SAT

  • Avid drummer, pianist, reader, writer, and filmmaker

Meet Nathan

Teaching is in my DNA.

Every day for four decades, my mother shrank the distance between her classroom and Europe, sharing her knowledge and love of French and Italian, Le Petit Prince and Cinema Paradiso, La Chandeleur and Mardi Gras. My father, a substitute teacher later in life, plugged holes at the front of many elementary and middle school classrooms; he was renowned for challenging youngsters to multiplication contests, spelling contests, and funny contests.

I credit these born educators with inspiring my love of learning and, therefore, teaching. My favorite moments are of the “Aha!” variety, when the puzzle pieces come together and students see exactly how to solve a problem or make sense of a new idea.